Thursday, November 29, 2007

Blog is all, by the Bob Squad (Marion, Marie-Cécile, Magali, Morgane)

Everybody’s got to live together
All the people got to understand
So you love your neighboor
Like you love your brother
Come on and join the band

Everybody needs to use e-culture
Oh it’s greatest adventure
We’re so happy and we celebrating
Generosity is the queen

Blog is all
Blog is all
Come on and go with Bob
Blog is all
Yeah ! Let’s blog !

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

E-culture nowadays

Even if everybody has heard or used e culture nowadays, I think the concept can be quite different for everybody. To me e-culture mean having an access to art for example without escaping from home. For example I regularly buy my books on websites, because sometimes it's really cheaper than in a real shop. Personally it offers the possibility to everybody and to every social class to learn things with sites like wikipedia, dictionaries on line and so on... To me, it helps people sharing about what they know and it makes the whole worldwilde communicating.

On a professionnal way, it may allow me to work at home because you want have to do some research in the field. Whereas in multinational or national companies, new technologies and e culture can modify the whole organisation. For example you can organize meetings through Internet without moving from your work station. It also avoids long travels from people who work far away. As a person in charge of communication, it could be my future very soon.

But my personal advice is to continue sharing your time between e-culture and culture in "real places" like museums, exhibitions and so on... Besides, that's what many web sites are suggesting : because many of them deal with critics about cinema, and events... creating a link between the internet and material places of culture.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The future of the SMS...

According to many sources, about 16.8 billion chargeable person-to-person text messages were sent across the four UK GSM networks in 2002.

But what do you think about sending an sms not only for delivering a message but for showing a picture, a video ??
I think most of people nowadays keep having a very traditional use of the SMS. They are really helpfull, they can explain in a few words what you don't want to say in a long dialogue...

To me, consumers are becoming more and more comfortable with the use of their mobile phones as a device for communicating with their friends, colleagues and family.

In the future I hope and think that there will be more ways to send and receive text messages, for example dedicated web sites or business intranets as well as mobile phones.

On the other hand, partnerships with television, radio, advertisers, news sites, public sector agencies, celebrity and band promoters, for example will create a larger range of interactive text based services. There are many recent examples of this interactivity : like Channel 4's Big Brother, BBC's Fame Academy and ITV's Popstars. All these programmes votes and all that stuff with the bias of the cellphone.

Finally, if we consider that just like in Japan we will receive really soon television on our phones : why can't we imagine a new form of sms whith extracts of tv programms and son on ???

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Google : "don't be evil"

Obviously the business model of Google raises a lot of questions, like any company which is in the process of becoming a Monopolistic one ! To me people had the same troubles with Microsoft.

But the case of Google deals with a new problem : privacy protection. Nowadays Google is considered as some kind of Big Brother. For example you can find many websites which play with the claim on the claim of Google : "Don't be evil" to ask : "Is Google evil ?"

- Is Google evil ?

- Google as Big Brother

and so on...

But according to me the problem with Google is clearly linked to a fear really actual : privacy transgression. It can actually be in relation with the actual debate about cameras everywhere in the street and so on...

Success stories on the net

How many young creators of business models on the internet make people dream nowadays ? Reproduced but never equaled these models had made the fortune of their owners.

Google may be one of the best example : co-founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were students at Stanford University, Google is now the famous searched engine, well known all around the world with famous claim : Don't be evil. Actually it's really amazing to think that most of the internauts use Google everyday.... Young creators haven't only earnt money they have created a new practice.

More recently we cant take the example of YouTube. The video sharing website where users can upload, view and share video clips, was created in mid February 2005 by three former PayPal employees. Now they are declaring that its business model was advertisement-based, making 15 million dollars per mont...

How such huge models and fortunes can happen ?

We can think of a great concurrence between practices, needs and offers... but in people'mind those example of success are really linked to the dream world of the intenet !! I think those example make sense with the famous book of Flichy called : The internet Imaginaire

Being famous on the internet

Everybody has ever heard about the example of a normal person who has turned into a superstar after being seen on the internet... But is that the real truth ? And more generally what does being famous means today ?

First of all I would say that the new business model that had been brought by websites like YouTube or DailyMotion take an important part in this phenomenon... For example you may have been one of the fan of Lonelygirl on YouTube.

Lonelygirl15 debuted on YouTube posing as a "real" 16-year-old video blogger with the eponymous username. In "lonelygirl15"'s earliest videos, she posted video replies to, and dropped the name of popular YouTubers, which attracted the attention of their fans. To further the initial illusion that Bree was a real girl, a MySpace page was set up for her and she began meaningfully corresponding with many of her fans. Several fans of lonelygirl15's video posts began to wonder if Bree was, in fact, a real person or if the posts were part of a teaser campaign for a television show or an upcoming movie. Finally she was just an actress....
But I think tis example is quite interesting because it shows well the problem that can raises the celebrity on the internet : do we really know stars of a day in the internet ?

In fact, to me, Internet deals with reactivity and rapidity and you can be forgotten as quick as you have been known ...

If we focus on french artist, we can notice that the phenomenon reached musical artist above all. We cant take the example of Kamini :
At first Kamini was just a young student who posted a video of him and his friends on You Tube like "rap clip" about his village Marly Gomont...

People liked him and now he makes a lot of songs !!

As a conclusion I would say that the main difference between becoming a star on the internet and more traditionnally is : the logic of reception. In fact when you deal with the internet it's the internaut who become the most powerfull : he choses the person that will really become a star. I think it's less like that if it's the artist who propose a record or a show : this is a logic of the offer.

To me these differences change many things but finally, I believe and I hope .... that it's the talent of the artist that will make the difference and not the media on which he had been known first !!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Prosper isn't only a bear !

Honestly I didn't know anything about the site a few hours ago !! What a surprise to discover a website which is the subjects of books : like "Happy About People-To-People Lending With" by Roger Steciak. Of course this book provides a roadmap for lenders who want to help out other people by lending them money through the Prosper marketplace. By using the conservative investment approach outlined in this book, lenders can better manage the risks associated with lending money to friends they have never met.

Such a strange system ! "Neither a borrower nor a lender be"? (Shakespeare)

So if you want to redefine the maxime, thinking that credit is an essential part of the social fabric go and use

Misunderstanding and emails

How many times do you consult your emails everydays ?

I'm sure that you have ever had the same problems as mine : miscommunications with emails !!
How many times the email address you provided isn't current ? You may be sending your newsletter to an old email...

This adress may help you to answer questions you may ask yourself about emails :

Moreover the written codes in an email are not the same as in a real letter :

For example, writing emails imply codes and new good manners that you can learn on that website called "Writing winning emails" which can maybe help you

So If I had to sum up I would say that for example if you have to right a business email, you have to know that :

- Email is much less formal than a written letter. Emails are usually short and concise.
If you are writing to someone you don't know, a simple "Hello" is adequate. Using a salutation such as "Dear Mr Smith," is too formal.

Whereas :
- When writing to someone you know well, feel free to write as if you are speaking to the person. Use abbreviated verb forms (He's, We're, He'd, etc.)

Fighting for what ??? Facebook ?

Recently, it looks like Microsoft has beat out Google in the bidding war over a stake in Facebook ! But what does the deal mean? Obviously, Microsoft will sell advertisements that show up on Facebook outside of the US. The two companies will share the revenue from those ads. Microsoft is already selling ad space for Facebook in the US.

According to me the incredible thing about Facebook is that this site is really recent, it has been launched on february 4, 2004 and it's already a really successfull business model !
For having an internship period in press relations for Microsoft, I can say that the most important problem with Microsoft actually is that they are in competition with Google for not beeing on the web early enough.

Moreover, the bottom line is that Microsoft needs to take some drastic action if they want to get a piece of both the internet advertising and search industries. The best method for them to do this is through acquiring Facebook. In addition to having the potential for gaining ground in internet search and advertising, there is also the prospect of rapid growth of Facebook itself. Microsoft has the cash to make something happen.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

How to improve your english on the internet ?


First of all, many websites on the internet can help you to improve your english :
for example these ones :

and many others.


Moreover the internet is one of the richest media you can find. Of course there are also many dictionaries on the internet which can help you :
The best one, to me, is :

On the other hand, Internet is fabulous place to meet each other so why not to go on a 'chat space' and talk with other people !!


Videos on You tube can also help you !

Finally my personal advice

is to hear english radios and to watch english tv on the internet :

I think hearing the radio helps you to familiarize with the language. Its also brings you a general culture about the country.

It's really helpfull !!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Strikes !! or why I won't be at school tomorrow

French people have many specificities... : bread, wine, frogs and in all that stuff STRIKES.
French strikes is a really interesting phenomenon because tomorrow cities will be paralized because of people revendications. I wont give any judgment on that action but, in a sociological point of view, its interesting to notice that in the XXI century a capital like Paris may be on pause for a day. But I will testify tomorrow ...

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Corrected text

I currently work in a company that employs 65 salaries. It is located in Paris in the 15th arrondissement on the street called Rue Maubert. Its sells children’s software.

It benefits from government subsidies from the state to hire young interns. That is how I received my job which is entitled "sales representative". At first, my job title was "marketing manager", but I changed jobs.

We sell a range of products with the brand Youngsoft. We have many marketing expenses. Our display advertising in the metro is one of the most expensive. Our PR department also has a very large budget. We create our own commercials with our copywriting staff, and we do our own edition of user manuals.

Our quarterly results for this year have all been very positive. The market we are in is very interesting right now, and that is why we are making profits.

We want to sell our products in Tahiti because we think overseas customers would be interested in buying them.

In a nutshell, because of our positive ethics and interesting market niche, we have a rosy future.

Online CV

: Master degree in Communication and Media Studies - CELSA, Paris
2006-2007: BA Equivalent in Communication - CELSA, Paris
2005-2006: DEUG (two-year degree) in Modern Litterature
2004-2005 : Hypokhâgne (first year of preparatory class) - Orleans, France

Work experience:
february to june 2007
: In charge of Press relations in an affiliate of HAVAS called EURO RSCG C&O (Suresnes- France) for Microsoft

february 2006 : Redactor for advertisings in EURO RSCG C&O

july-september 2007 : Voluntary work for an association (l'UDAF 45), in charge of the communication

Other skills:
Languages: English (opertationnal - ), Spanish - (moderate), Italian (notions)
Computer skills (Word, Excel, Lotus, PowerPoint etc)

Cinema, moreover horror films and american movies between the 40's and the 60's
Litterature, Plastical arts

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Unleashing the Killer App: Digital Strategies for Market Dominance (Paperback)

This book describes twelve new rules for designing killer apps of your own. They are organized into three stages, analogous to the major tasks of any complex problem of design: reshaping the landscape, building new connections, and redefining the interior.
I'll try to discuss all those principles all along my blog !

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Create communities of values

To me, create communities of value is a fondamental aspect for a brand because it deals with her 'fond de marque', what the brand represents for customers and what message it wants to communicate. In the case of a digital strategy it can means : creating a blog or a community which can help people to share about the brand. For example, for a newspaper it can be really important to create such spaces, dedicated to customers to earn suscribers...
The only problem is that it can be difficult to be original for a brand using that kind of stategy because everybody uses it....,39-0,48-0,0.html

Monday, October 8, 2007

Outsource to the customer

Outsourcing all or part of a company's customer service operation may help to lower costs with a better focus in-house resources. But, acording to me, as it is well explained in a ZDNET article : 'executives who hire an outsourcer to make customer service problems "Go away" often find that the projected cost savings are quickly swamped by increased customer dissatisfaction and expensive customer attrition.'So maybe the effective outsourcing means eliminating the service gap by intelligently and actively managing outsourcing relationships.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

E culture

First of all, I admitt that it's quite difficult to talk about 'e culture' because to me it means so much things. For example, do websites about shops like 'Fnac', or 'Amazon'.. can be considered like examples of e-culture if they sells books and so on ?
To me e-culture changes so much things. In fact after my studies in Litterature I choose to join the CELSA because I was thinking that the internet would take an important part in the future of the culture. Internet, and the fact that people can't help writing to each others, is one of the best example which shows that the written medias are not dead. On the other hand the convergence between several medias in the internet is so interesting.
Howewer in order to become specialist in mediatic strategy I think I have to learn more about technical abilities : like how to create a website and things like that ... There are many things to create and so much to learn with the Internet.

Social networks !!!

Well this is typically the kind of things I can't stand : annotating about a subject I don't believe in like social networks on the internet. To me this is such an artifical way to create a real network : for example when teenages try to have the biggest number of contacts on their blog adding anybody in their list !
But it raises interesting questions like : will Linkedin really help people to find a job ? Why not ? I'm expecting to see that.

Privacy pollution !!!

According to me the web can bring a new form of identity theft. For example, I don't want to use Facebook or Myspace anymore because I'm afraid by the fact that anybody can visit you, maybe copy your photos and things like that... I don't like people who can't help send you links to join them and so on.. It makes me think of phone calls for advertising... But maybe I can change my state of mind with this blog ....

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


No a wiki isn't the name of a fruit...

In fact, a wiki is a medium which can be edited by anyone with access to it, and provides an easy method for linking from one page to another. Wikis are typically collaborative websites, though there are now also single-user offline implementations. Ward Cunningham, developer of the first wiki, WikiWikiWeb, originally described it as "the simplest online database that could possibly work".[1] One of the best-known wikis is Wikipedia.[2]

I can notice it right now, create a blog is not an easy thing. To make it interesting Ithink you have to deal with your personal interests and your readers' ones.
For example I thought it woukd have been great to put pictures on it, maybe photos...
If I could I would also enjoy to share music and files with my readers but first of all I think I have to find an interesting subject to talk about....


Crowdsourcing is a neologism for the act of taking a job traditionally performed by an employee or contractor, and outsourcing it to an undefined, generally large group of people, in the form of an open call. For example, the public may be invited to develop a new technology, carry out a design task, refine an algorithm or help analyze large amounts of data.

Recent examples of crowdsourcing
Wikipedia, a free encyclopedia edited by volunteers. The English Wikipedia currently contains over 2,000,000 articles.

In 2005, launched the Amazon Mechanical Turk, a platform on which crowdsourcing tasks called "HITs" (Human Intelligence Tasks") can be created and publicized and people can execute the tasks and be paid for doing so. Dubbed "Artificial Artificial Intelligence", it was named after The Turk, an 18th century chess-playing "machine".
Searching the Nevada desert for the crash site of Steve Fossett.[1] and so on...............

Class subjects

According to me, the best example of a business model which deals with generosity is Wikipedia. On one hand it shows well the internaut need to participate and to become some kind of 'citizen journalist' and creating the information. On the other hand the plurality of the subjects, and the fact that every social classes use it, underline the importance of generosity in the internet. Less and less internauts want to pay for something which has become a 'service'. Moreover, Wikipedia can become an example for libraries, museums and so on who could share their works of art with a largest audience on the internet.

Once again to prove the generosity of Wikipedia I will use it to post most of my messages.