Wednesday, November 28, 2007

E-culture nowadays

Even if everybody has heard or used e culture nowadays, I think the concept can be quite different for everybody. To me e-culture mean having an access to art for example without escaping from home. For example I regularly buy my books on websites, because sometimes it's really cheaper than in a real shop. Personally it offers the possibility to everybody and to every social class to learn things with sites like wikipedia, dictionaries on line and so on... To me, it helps people sharing about what they know and it makes the whole worldwilde communicating.

On a professionnal way, it may allow me to work at home because you want have to do some research in the field. Whereas in multinational or national companies, new technologies and e culture can modify the whole organisation. For example you can organize meetings through Internet without moving from your work station. It also avoids long travels from people who work far away. As a person in charge of communication, it could be my future very soon.

But my personal advice is to continue sharing your time between e-culture and culture in "real places" like museums, exhibitions and so on... Besides, that's what many web sites are suggesting : because many of them deal with critics about cinema, and events... creating a link between the internet and material places of culture.

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